About Kelsey

Kelsey Rhodes (she/her) is a grade-A weirdo who likes to share her kaleidoscope view of the world and living with whoever will give her the time. Running around with four autoimmune diseases is tiring, but slowing down allows her a different perspective on what seems “normal” to the rest of us.

Kelsey lives in Kansas City, Missouri with her abortion providing partner, their dog Snacks, and their chickens Leigh-Suh, Ray-Chul, and Killer :( and yes, the sad face is a part of Killer’s :( legal name. They live a radically queer life on what they like to call their gay-hobby farm.

Kelsey studied domestic public health and wellness policy at University of Michigan in the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. She then got married to her best friend, realized she was gay, got divorced, and moved from San Diego to the Midwest to start again. She is currently the Communications Director at Physicians for Reproductive Health where she helps 500 abortion providers around the country tell their stories.

You can sign up for Kelsey’s newsletter, appropriately titled Kelsey’s Disco, here. You can also follow here on Twitter and Instagram. And don’t forget to tune into Kelsey’s podcast, Cool Queers Doing Cool Shit.

Kelsey is represented by Jessica Felleman at Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency.